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Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Tell the World How Noobing Works for You!

As a Noober, your endorsement is a simple and effective way to help build your marketing community.

And it’s easy! Heck, spreading the word about how and why Noobing works for you is just about as easy as clicking your way through the Noobing rotator.

When you tell others about your success, you encourage new Noobers to join forces with you, making your collective voice impossible to ignore. The power of your community is undeniable—and all it takes to grow that community…is a few seconds of your time.

Whether it’s a few words, a couple of sentences, ten paragraphs or a short novel, your testimonial will reach people. In fact, you’ll find it a sure fire way to “buzz your biz” without ever having to leave the seat in front of your computer!

Who knows? Your written declaration of success may even end up on the Noobing website—and then you’ll be secured as one of history’s all-time Most Notable Noobers! Can you say free publicity?

Leave a blog, drop a line or write an email ( The world will listen.

1 comment:

Bram Smith said...

Nice! I'll make sure and send a video your way as soon as I can.

I'm loving Noobing!